The lighting color of LEDs is usually measured in Kelvin (K). It's also good to look for bulbs that have EnergyStar and UL certifications. LED packaging is required to include information about brightness, light color, energy use, estimated energy costs, and expected life. What to Consider When Shopping for LED Light Bulbs Label
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Try the Neporal 9W Full Spectrum LED if you’re looking for a bulb that brings a little sunlight into your home. If you have a house full of incandescent bulbs to replace, the Cree 60W Equivalent Daylight or GE Lighting 32279 LED Bright Stik are compatible with most lamps and fixtures and won’t break the bank. Here are some options that received glowing marks in our research. That means that they can suppress melatonin-a hormone that facilitates sleep-so if you're concerned you may want to consider avoiding very bright LED light too close to bed time, or looking for LED bulbs on the warmer range of the color spectrum. Some LEDs (particularly those used in screens) do emit more blue light than other bulb types. That means you’ll also save money compared to other bulbs because you won’t have to buy them as often, and you’ll have fewer bulbs to dispose of which makes Mother Earth happy. Most manufacturers claim their bulbs can last over 20,000 hours, and offer warranties to back these claims. Switching to LED bulbs will reduce your electric bill and lighten your carbon footprint. LEDs are also a little more efficient than Compact Florescent Lights (CFLs), but unlike CFLs, contain no mercury. However, they use 75% to 80% less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb. They may cost slightly more upfront than other light bulbs. They come in multiple shapes, color, and temperature options, and can be used in any light fixture. LED ( Light-Emitting Diode) bulbs aren’t just for specialty lamps anymore.